Power Products
Piller Products
Dynamic UPS
The Piller Uniblock is a dynamic UPS system that utilises the natural principles of electricity generation to provide quality, constant power to critical loads. Its generator type technology applies a combination of advanced electronics and reliable electromechanical equipment producing a flawless sine wave and delivering constant voltage even with utility or load disturbances.
Aircraft Ground Power Systems
For over 30 years Piller has supplied aircraft ground power systems for both military and civil applications. Through continual research and development of our products we guarantee a high level of flexibility in meeting our customer’s demands. To include the best possible demands the turnkey services we offer our customers include:- Customised solution relating to each project; design of the 400Hz cable layout; calculation of the 400Hz voltage drop; planning of the cabling and installation; matching the interfaces between system components; and instruction and training of operating personnel. We also supply step-down transformers, APOJET T, 400Hz specially designed aircraft service cables and cables for fixed installation, aircraft receptacles and 400Hz ?distribution systems.
Naval Power Systems
Piller has been a supplier partner in the field of naval technology since 1965. Originally providing only shore connection stations for supplying power to naval vessels, new developments followed, including special fan systems for submarines, rotary and static frequency converters, on-board UPS systems, special purpose DC motors, brushless charging and ship's generators and alternators.



No. 9 Shuang Ma Road, Dian Shan Lake County, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, CHN¡¡ Tel.: +86 512 57493886¡¡ Fax: +86 512 57493866